Saf-instant® yeast celebrates 50 years of passion !

50 years of expertise is a milestone that deserves to be honored.

Those who enjoy using #Safinstant in their home baking have the chance to show off their style and creativity! Mrs. Safa developed a platform specifically for you to do that! ❤️

How can you participate in the campaign?

  • To upload your recipe, you should first sign up using the form below and activate your mail address.
  • After the sign-up has been activated, kindly log in to the platform.
  • Go through the “Add a Recipe” instructions on your profile.
  • In the profile section, please complete all the fields marked with an asterisk (*).

Campaign Gifts: The Lesaffre Committee will choose ten winners overall from among the recipes with the highest likes.

Participants from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, and Kuwait will have a chance to win a 30-dollar worth of Amazon e-Gift Card.

Participants from Yemen, Iraq, and Qatar will have a chance to win a 30-dollar worth of Mobile Credit Package.

📢 By sharing the recipe image on their own Instagram account in the feed, tagging @safinstantgulf, and adding the hashtag #BAKEWITHSAF, participants can enhance their chances of winning.

The results will be revealed in April 2023 on Saf-instant Gulf website.